North Carolina: The Far Right’s Sex Abuse, It’s About Power

In North Carolina, Rep. Brad Miller’s (D-13) record of funding for health studies that could prevent the spread of AIDS, and foster better understanding of the sexual health of an aging population and marginalized communities are being portrayed as “paying for sex” by opponent Vernon Robinson (aka “Black Jesse Helms”). The Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Political Fact refers to the ad as “sneering” and says its factual accuracy is “wanting” and “misleading on several counts.” In this ad we see how sexual and reproductive health issues are used to titillate and grab attention, all the while stigmatizing and degrading people and studies that are in the interest of public health by distorting their reality, all for political gain, power and control.

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In North Carolina, Rep. Brad Miller’s (D-13) record of funding for health studies that could prevent the spread of AIDS, better understand the sexual health of an aging population and marginalized communities are being portrayed as “paying for sex” by opponent Vernon Robinson (aka “Black Jesse Helms”). The Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Political Fact refers to the ad as “sneering” and says its factual accuracy is “wanting” and “misleading on several counts.” In this ad we see how sexual and reproductive health issues are used to titillate and grab attention, all the while stigmatizing and degrading people and studies that are in the interest of public health by distorting their reality, all for political gain, power and control.

The ad is political pornography and speaks volumes about the values of those who would place it. It is a classic example of appealing to voters base instincts by sliming them with information that sounds nasty, but without any context, then comparing it to something patriotic, in this case supporting body armor. The votes were for public health, and Rep. Miller supports body armor.

But in another classic political move, the TV ad is only part, check out this slam on immigrants and homosexuals that is only playing on radio (so far). As Wonkette writes about the line turn the country into one big fiesta for immigrants and homosexuals, “Will any other 2006 race top that? What if we told that you that said line is delivered over shocked gasping and Mariachi music.” You can read even more extensive coverage from People for the American Way as this campaign becomes a poster child for all that is troubling about social ideological conservatives and the way they campaign.