Zina Saunders

Zina Saunders been a writer-illustrator for more than 15 years.
Her work can be seen in national magazines and newspapers like The Utne
Reader, The Progressive, The Nation, Mother Jones and The New Republic.

In June 2005, her focus shifted from general illustration to
reportage illustration, when she wrote a story for Time Out New York
magazine about the Puerto Rico Schwinn Club, an outgrowth of the Overlooked
New York
 website, her series of interviews and portraits of
impassioned New Yorkers, which is now a book available on Amazon.

Her series profiling an AIDS orphan living in Zimbabwe can be seen
on the Africa
Close Up

Zina lives and works in New York City, where she grew up and
attended Music and Art High School and The Cooper Union. She left
Manhattan in her teens to be a levitating lady with a traveling circus
in upstate New York, but eventually returned to her senses and her
beloved city.

If you’d like see her in action, here’s a video of her presentation at the Gel

If you’re interested in knowing more, she maintains a blog on blogspot,
that features her works-in-progress and outside projects. You can
contact her at zina (AT) zinasaunders (DOT) com and see her work at www.zinasaunders.com