Lisa Chin


Lisa is the Executive Director of Open Arms Perinatal Services, a mom and community volunteer who has a long history of involvement with women's and children's issues. She became passionate about doulas and women's health issues when her son was born in 2004 – with the assistance of a doula. She believes that healthy communities are fully supportive of all their members, especially those in need.

Lisa is a member of the Seattle chapter of NAPAWF (National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum).

Prior to departing corporate life, Lisa worked for 18 years in program management, most recently for She holds a B.A. from Wellesley College and a Ph.D. from the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Her favorite things to do, outside of hanging out with new moms and their babies, include finger painting, scratch cooking, and rock climbing.

Improving Birth Experiences for API Women

The women's movement has fought hard to illuminate and dismantle institutionalized oppression, yet it has been more visible in its support of the right to terminate pregnancy than the right to birth in a fully supported and culturally appropriate setting. Birth is an experience that differs greatly along class and race lines.