
Chris Christie Joins GOP Presidential Hopefuls, Supports 20-Week Abortion Ban

Christie's endorsement brings him in line with all of the other major potential Republican nominees who endorse the extreme abortion ban.

Christie's endorsement brings him in line with all of the other major potential Republican nominees who endorse the extreme abortion ban. L.E.MORMILE / Shutterstock.com

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a potential 2016 GOP presidential contender, this week publicly endorsed a national 20-week abortion ban.

Christie is just the latest Republican with possible presidential ambitions to throw his support behind the radical anti-choice policy.

“I am proud to be a pro-life Republican,” Christie said in a statement. He said that the so-called Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act “brings Americans together.”

“America is one of just seven countries that permits elective abortions past this point. We can do far better than this,” Christie said. “I urge Congress to take swift action on this important issue.”

Bans on abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy contradict Roe v. Wade, which protects the right to have an abortion until a fetus is viable, which is at about 24 weeks’ gestation. Twenty weeks of pregnancy is also the earliest point at which many devastating fetal anomalies can be detected, and all relevant medical authorities say that a fetus is not “pain-capable” until its nervous system develops more fully at about 24 weeks.

Christie’s endorsement brings him in line with all of the other major potential Republican nominees. The Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List, an anti-choice lobbying group known for its misleading ads, solicited endorsements for the 20-week ban from 14 potential candidates.

Christie has a checkered past when it comes to his “pro-life” bona-fides, and the conservative base has taken note. Christie was grilled onstage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) about abortion much more pointedly and at greater length than other candidates.

Christie responded to SBA List’s endorsement request shortly after the organization publicly called him out for being the only one yet to respond. The last respondent before Christie was Ben Carson, who released his statement last week.

An email from the SBA List to its supporters about Christie and Carson’s recent endorsements read, “Good news: They’re all on board.”

Two of the potential 2016 GOP candidates, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, touted 20-week bans in their own states as part of their endorsements.

Perry signed a burdensome omnibus anti-abortion bill in 2013, HB 2, that has restricted abortion access for Texas women and included a 20-week ban.

Walker recently declared that he would sign a 20-week abortion ban in his state once it came to his desk.

Despite likely constitutional issues, 20-week bans are in effect in ten states. The most recent state-level 20-week ban passed in West Virginia, when the legislature overruled Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto.

The federal legislation has had more trouble, however. Anti-choice advocates were outraged in January when the U.S. House canceled a vote on its 20-week ban and voted instead to pass a wide-ranging ban on insurance coverage of abortion.

Pro-choice advocates noted that this bill would be just as extreme and harmful to women’s health as the proposed 20-week ban, but anti-choice activists haven’t been satisfied and have continued to push lawmakers on the issue.