
Montana Ballot: A New Parental Notification Law Up for Vote In November

If it passes, a girl of 16 or younger will need to have a parent talk to the doctor before an abortion.

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While every other state touting an anti-choice ballot initiative for November appears intent on trying to give legal rights to fertilized eggs, Montana is looking at a different abortion restriction. Their voters will decide whether or not a girl 16 or younger needs to have her parents talk to the doctor before she can get an abortion.

Via The Belgrade News:

Legislator Jerry Bennett, R–Libby, is the primary sponsor of the referendum, LR 120. The Montana Legislature approved the measure for public vote last year during its session.

He said the referendum isn’t a pro-life or pro-choice issue.

“It’s not an abortion issue for me, it’s the right to be a parent,” he said. “Voters in Montana should have that right to at least be notified before their child has a major surgery.”

Bennett pointed out various issues that require consent, more than even notification, for minors.

“If your young daughter is about to get her ears pieced or get a tattoo or go to a tanning bed, she needs permission. Why not with this issue?” he said. 

As always, the “right to be a parent” outweighs a teen’s right not to be a parent.