
Arizona Rep. Calls Constituent a “Baby-Killer”

My guess is he's not trying too hard to win her vote.

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The Arizona Senate has passed one of the most sweeping omnibus anti-choice bills in the nation, and it is now heading back to the House for a vote. One constituent, hoping to urge her state representative not to approve the bill, decided to reach out to the full legislature via email.

Republican Representative Jack Harper decided to respond.  And he called her a “baby-killer.”

Via Daily Kos, this is Rep. Jack Harper’s email:

The only “laughing stock” in Arizona is the Democratic Party that has lost seats in the state legislature for five consecutive election cycles. Maybe you should change your baby-killer message. Why don’t you move back to China where your “party” controls the message by force.


State Representative Jack Harper


[email protected]

The email was confirmed to be in fact written by Rep. Harper, who refused to do an interview with local television stations but admitted to writing it.  According to Harper, he was responding to what he believed was her advocating “aborting down syndrome babies” which he claimed is “out of step” with what “mainstream” Arizona voters believe.

Then again, this is a man who pushed a law that would put married couples ahead of single people when it comes to adoption because it is the only way to legally ensure that gay couples end up in the back of the line.