
“Fetal Pain” Ban Challenged In Idaho

A woman accused of unlawful abortion is now challenging two of the state's abortion laws.

Jennie McCormack, an Idaho mother of three who recently had charges of “unlawful abortion” dismissed against her, is now suing the state in an attempt to have a ban on “ending your own pregnancy” and the newly passed 20 week “fetal pain” ban overturned.

A hearing will be held on September 8th to for the courts to consider an injunction on both laws, which McCormack’s lawyer is arguing are unconstitutional.

Via Reuters:

The 1972 Idaho law discriminates against McCormack and other women of limited means in southeastern Idaho, which lacks any abortion providers, by forcing them to seek more costly surgical abortions far from home, the lawsuit says.

McCormack was turned in for “unlawful abortion” after an anti-choice sibling of one of her friends contacted the police to tell them of her actions.