
Is The Overland Park Planned Parenthood About To Lose Its License?

The news from the state board of health certainly sounds ominous.

My assumption when the new “regulations” for Kansas abortion clinics were released was that the state would use them to shut down two of the three clinics, but leave one open to prove they weren’t trying to cut off all women’s access.  I also assumed the clinic left standing would be the Planned Parenthood of Overland Park, and that they would then “defund it” to try and cut down its ability to operate, too.

But maybe I was wrong.

Via the Kansas City Star:

Kansas health regulators said today that the abortion clinics they’ve inspected so far have failed to meet the requirements to get a license under a law that takes effect Friday.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment released a statement detailing the results of the ongoing licensing process, which was created by a new law passed by the Legislature.

“KDHE continues to review applications, and no applicant inspected thus far by KDHE has passed the inspection,” said the statement from the agency.

Overland Park had its inspection last week.  That doesn’t sound good at all.

UPDATED: The Center for Reproductive Rights has just announced that it will be suing on behalf of the affected clinics in Kansas.