Roe Is Safe, So Let’s Work on Common Ground Prevention Initiatives

If anti-choicers really do let Roe out of their sights in favor of other projects that actually will reduce instances of unintended pregnancy, there's an enormous amount of progress people who oppose abortion rights can make alongside those of us who are pro-choice.

Jill Stanek, source of the infanticide smears against Barack Obama, may not be taking his election graciously, as Seth Colter Walls notes on Huffington Post, but even she realizes that, in her own words, "the holy grail for pro-lifers is now gone." Why? With Obama making Supreme Court appointments for the next four years, Roe is likely safe. "Just get used to thinking of pro-life strategy without it," Stanek advises.

Well, if anti-choicers really do let Roe out of their sights in favor of other projects that actually will reduce instances of unintended pregnancy, there’s an enormous amount of progress people who oppose abortion rights can make alongside those of us who are pro-choice. Medically accurate comprehensive sexuality education, which gives teens the tools to prevent pregnancies? Access to contraception, including emergency contraception, proven to reduce the rate of abortion? A host of prominent pro-life voices have supported Obama’s position on these policy issues, staking out a more productive ground for people who oppose legal abortion than slinging accusations like "barbarian" and "murder" (which also feature in Stanek’s post). No one needs to give up his or her beliefs — but now there’s room for a distinction between private beliefs and public policy.